It’s been a few BIG weeks for In My Shoes on several fronts, lots of news to share over the coming weeks and months
The 12,000 pairs of shoes from the last In My Shoes campaign have arrived in Cape Town and have cleared customs in the past day or so (see last post for more details). Our charity partners on the ground will be receiving them in the coming days and getting ready for their distribution drives in the townships.
In another big development, our partners in South Africa are in the process of establishing links with a charity in Lesotho which uses football to support and enable kids who whose parents died from AID related illness.
Lesotho is a landlocked country enclaved by South Africa with a population of 2m. This photo was taken there last week, and we are delighted to confirm that these kids will be getting shoes from the huge shipment which has just arrived in Cape Town
We’d like to thank our partners for their instrumental part in this project Parcel Motel for letting us use their locker boxes when collecting the shoes, and UPS Ireland for sponsoring the shipment to South Africa. We couldn’t have done it without their help.
Watch this space of over the coming weeks for photos of the shoes being distributed to the kids in the townships See less